Robin Wood MBE
Thirty years ago I decided never to do a days work I did not enjoy, I wanted to use mind, body and soul in my work and be close to nature. Whilst working for the National Trust in conservation forestry I was introduced to various traditional woodland crafts as we used the trees we felled to make styles, fences and bridges. In the evenings I worked with the wood and soon making wooden bowls and spoons became a passion bordering on obsession.
The act of taking a tree, cutting it open, feeling the wood and making it into something that will be useful and bring pleasure for years is immensely fulfilling for me. As I journey through the world of traditional woodcraft I have been lucky enough to win various awards such as the artisan of the year in 2009 and now act as judge on several craft awards. in the Queens Birthday Honours 2014 I was awarded an MBE for services to Heritage Crafts and Skills. I have worked on iconic woodworking projects from building a traditional tea house with a team of carpenters in Japan to building a replica of the incredible Oseberg viking ship. I am passionate about all traditional crafts but simple wooden bowls are still where my heart is.
Few people know the pleasure of eating from wood, it is quiet, soft, warm and somehow compatible with good natural food in a way that hard ceramic never can be. My aim now is simply to make the very best wooden bowls and plates that bring a little quiet beauty into everyday life, I hope you enjoy using them as much as I enjoy making them.
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