These nests of bowls are very special. It took me five years to learn how to make them and I have to forge all my own curved hook tools to cut one bowl inside the other, most of the time I am working blind by feel. They are collectors pieces but also designed for use, they will get nicer with regular use. I don’t make many of these and starting with the launch of my new website I am going to number and record each set. No 006 is a lovely deep set of nested bowls in sycamore. 15″ by 6″. This design is typical of dairy bowls that turn up occasionally in the antiques trade, milk was settled in them overnight then the cream skimmed off in the morning. Sycamore was chosen as it stands up well to years of hard use. It is a very old traditional design, almost identical bowls made of elm were found on the Mary Rose.
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