
I was just discussing axe design and use with folk on the British Blades forum and was reminded of one of the most wonderful exhibitions of woodworking skill I have seen. In 2005 I attended the first european “kesurokai”. This was an event inspired by a German carpenter journeyman spending time working with Japanese temple builders. In Japan the carpenters…

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a bowl made by George Lailey

I was delighted to receive in the post yesterday a simple elm bowl made by George Lailey. For those that don’t know George Lailey was commonly known as “the last bowlturner”, he worked at Turners Green on Bucklebury Common near Reading until he died in 1958. Lailey was the last turner making bowls on a pole lathe and it was…

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Re-enactors market

I am just back from a long weekend selling my bowls. The event was a historical re-enactors market, these are the folk that you may have seen recreating battles from various periods or working in historic houses bringing history to life. That side of the hobby is called living history and particularly folk who specialise in the medieval, dark age…

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a new dovecote

It has been a busy few days without much turning. It was our son Ollie’s birthday on Sunday so the end of last week was spent sorting his present out. Whenever the weather is fit he likes to climb out of his window and sit on the roof of the porch reading his books and watching the world go by.…

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bowls for theatre use

A few weeks ago I sent off some bowls for use in a theatre production and just got sent some pictures from the dress rehearsal. The bowls represent the 12 disciples and Christ, in this scene the dancer representing Christ is pouring water from one bowl to another and the plan is to add a little food colouring to give…

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eating from wooden bowls

Eating from wood is just normal for our family, so much so that we just don’t think about it, and it always surprises me the reaction whenever I use pictures of us actually using the things. Ten years ago the BBC did a short TV feature on my work and included a brief shot of the family having dinner and…

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oiling bowls

Well the porringers I was making 6 weeks ago when I started this blog are now dry and ready for oiling. I am often asked what are the best oils to treat wood for food use and have experimented with many over the years. Dry wood is like blotting paper and would absorb any liquid food you put on it,…

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a replica mazer

I thought it would be nice to post this replica of a medieval mazer here. I actually finished it a little while ago but it has been away at an exhibition and just came back, I think it is one of the best pieces I have made. I first became aware of mazers many years ago when I saw some…

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