Jeremy Atkinson is the last clogmaker in England making all his clog soles in the traditional way with three traditional clog knives, the blocker, hollower and gripper. The razor sharp knives have a handle nearly three feet long which generates huge leverage and control allowing him to carve the fresh wood into clog soles. Here is his website

I have been wearing a pair of his clogs for over ten years and my daughter Jojo wears nothing else.

1149653_10154010881690438_2063427078_oI am thrilled that Jeremy has agreed to teach Jojo the skills of the trade. He previously taught Geraint Parfait who is now the clogmaker at St Fagans museum of Welsh life. The only issue is how we pay him for the time he takes out from making in order to teach her. When he taught Geraint it required about 6 weeks full time with follow up sessions funded by St Fagans. It seems a shame that there is not any government funded scheme that we can apply to for a grant for this training. We are writing to various companies in the hope of gaining some commercial sponsorship so if anyone has any ideas for potential sponsors please let us know.

Jeremy is 62 and has over 30 years experience, Jojo although only 20 has been woodworking all her life and already has a good understanding of green wood and how it works. Here Jerry is showing her the basic cuts with the first knife the blocker.


Jojo getting to grips with it.



I am as you can imagine immensely pleased and proud.

Author Robin Wood

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