Here is a book full of surprises. It could have been a book that just had a spoon course in a book, the spooncarving community would have bought it. It could have been a book of inspirational spoon pictures I’d have bought that, it could have been a lovely lifestyle book full of out of focus pictures of earthy toned still lifes printed on matt paper, that would have sold too. The book is all those things but so much more besides. The reason I think you should buy it is for Barn’s wonderful philosophical thoughts about the meaning of making and using simple domestic objects.
Here’s the book alongside two of Barn’s lovely spoons. Spon we are told derives from the old Norse word for chip of wood.
The book does the basics, covering timber selection and tools
It covers all the basic knife carving grips. These are best learned first hand from a good teacher on a course but failing that the photos and instructions in the book are good.
At the end of the book is a section with 15 spoons photographed from 3 angles to provide inspiration and show the wonderful range of mini functional sculptures that is the world of the wooden spoon.
I have hung out with Barn on and off for 7 years now. From him helping me on my spooncarving courses to organising SPOONFEST together, we’ve even done a posh dinner at a top London Restaurant together. He makes me laugh, and he makes me think and I am so pleased that some of that comes through in the book.
I am so pleased that the book is so well presented. Look at the way the edge is cut square with thick board covers, funky and different. I am sure the book will sell loads, I hope some folk buy it that have never considered spooncarving before and pick up just a bit of understanding about what makes this thing we do so special.
Where can one acquire a copy of said book?
all the usual online retailers. If you follow the link in the blog post it will take you to Penguins site and from there there are links to all the online retailers. Ot you could just put spon into google.